Hi there! My name is Phil Varley and I am your general gaming nerd. This all began waaaay way back when my Dad decided to come home with a Sega Mega Drive, complete with Sonic the Hedgehog, who remains to be one of my favourite game characters (even with his.....questionable outings as of late ¬¬). Since then I have picked up most major consoles and increased my variety of games over time, nowadays my favourite genres tend to be RPG and platform games, although I'm up for playing games from pretty much any genre.
If you were wondering (which I know you weren't but I shall tell you anyway!) The name Z3r0n comes from my determination to have the name Zero (of Mega man fame) as my online username. During the naming process for an online game I tried Zero, which was taken, so I thought I would be cool and replace letters with numbers therefore making Z3r0, which much to my surprise........ was also taken. After that failure I thought frak it, I'll just throw an 'n' on the end and see how they like that! The name was accepted and ever since then it just sort of stuck, plus I reeeally can't be arsed to come up with a new name at this point >.<
Finally, as for ways to contact me I have many! Please feel free to add any of them as I am blatantly lonely and require many internet friends, just say something in the add message if it allows so I know you got to me through here, just so I don't ignore and pass you off as some random weirdo ^_^v
360 Gamertag - xZ3r0n
PSN - xZ3r0nx
Steam ID - Phil_800
E-mail / MSN - phil_800@hotmail.co.uk