Saturday, 4 February 2012

Plans for the future!

The last thing I did was a while back, but amongst things going on irl and lack of motivation I just, well, didn't really get anything much done. >_>

I've recently gone back and started checking out some PS1 titles that I've always wanted to play but never quite got around to. While playing said games it occurred to me that I should review them while I was at it, a retro review if you will, so that is exactly what I'm going to do! First of all I am checking out the RPGs Chrono Cross and Final Fantasy VIII, I'm playing both at the same time so whichever I finish first get's reviewed first, after that I plan to go onto Silent Hill in preparation for the HD collection being released.

I am also meaning to get back to painting my Dreadfleet box set I bought, I have completed one ship so far but from now on I'm gonna put a step by step process of my work on this site when I get around to it, but gaming takes priority atm.

But yea, there is my update to what I have been up to and I hope you look forward to seeing my reviews coming in the near future! (hopefully near doesn't mean months for a change ^^;) If you have any suggestions for older, possibly less well known games that I need to play, please leave a note down in the comments below and I'll see about checking them out.

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